Subscribe and Save

How do I subscribe?

When adding a product to your cart online:

  1. Select quantity
  2. Select Subscribe & Save button
  3. Select Add to cart
  4. Then continue checking out as usual. Your product(s) will be automatically charged to your secure credit card on file and shipped at the delivery interval you’ve selected.

What are the benefits of joining this program?

You will receive 10% off every order PLUS the convenience of an auto shipment right to your doorstep every 30 days. Savings and peace of mind!

What is an autoship program?

A subscribe and save program is also known as recurring delivery. When you place an order under subscribe and save, you’ll automatically receive the product(s) and quantity of your choosing every 30 days. These recurring deliveries make receiving your products super easy and convenient, and will be automatically billed to your credit card. Never run out of your favorite Shinyalab products again.

Can I cancel a subscription anytime?

Yes, you can cancel at any time (and re-subscribe at any time!). No strings attached.

How do I cancel a subscription?

It’s no problem to cancel a product subscription anytime up until the day before your next shipment is scheduled to go out.

  1. Sign into your account.
  2. Click “My Product Subscriptions”.
  3. Select “Cancel Subscription” next to desired item.
  4. Confirm “Yes” you would like to remove.

Will other current discounts/promotions be applied to my subscribed items automatically?

The Subscribe and Save program offers the best all-around discount and savings for our customers—everyday! So, no worries about missing out on any other promotions or other discounts that may be a better deal. We designed our Subscribe and Save with your best interests at heart. That said, we cannot combine promotions or offers with your Subscribe & Save program.

Will I receive emails notifying me of an upcoming subscription shipment?

Yes, 7 days prior to your scheduled ship date you will receive an email. It will serve as a reminder in case you need to go into your account and make any changes to your upcoming subscription.